Thursday, January 11, 2007

the old city

this is our first real adventure in Jerusalem o.k. My first adventure in to Jerusalem was to the Old City and the Kotel (the Western Wall or Wailing Wall) what an amazing place. Now I know I will miss a lot as I start to type but there was just so much going on.

First there was the walk to the Old City 10 minuets down the street from Sam's dorm and you and you can see all kinds of development going on. Some of it very modern and others looking like it was trying to keep it looking like it did years ago. Sam told us that in Jerusalem it is the law that all buldings need to be built out of Jerusalem stone, and that the stone was running out so at one place we saw a large modern looking building that they were putting on a vanier of Jerusalem Stone, and then just down the street we saw this other building under constrution but all the bricks had numbers on them. so that the buildings frame work was being built out of modern material and then the bricks being put back just as they were taken down.

Then you start to walk up this path a small narrow little path with stones
on both sides one side of the walk.

On one side of the walk the stones maybe 100 or 200 years old and the other side is a couple thousand years old... and you can't tell the diffrence. It is actually quite facinating when you think about the technology that they used when they were building the old city and the temple.

Well we walked through the Old Jewish Quarter in our long skirts and everthing. It was so amazing I could watch what was going on for hours. The streets are so narrow and cars drive down them... it is amazing.

We entered throught the Zion gate and Sam was telling us about how you can see the bullet marks from when in 1948 the Israeli solders captured the old city. and as you walk through the gate and dodge the cars that are trying to drive through the same space (but that is for a diffrent story)

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