The Old City is one experience but "The Wall" is another.... you start by walking through the "Old City" but then you have to walk down the stars and through the arch and around the corner and down some more stairs (all while wearing a long skirt) and then through security.

Once you get through security you go down this little ramp and then it all opens there are people and soldiers (yes I know they are people too) and the soldiers were getting ready for a ceremony that night at the wall. This is where the new soldiers are sworn in and given their berets. And so we say a few soldiers caring all kinds of interesting things into the upper court area. But that was not the real interesting part. The real interest part was that it was Bar Mitzvah Day at the wall.

So picture this on the Women's side all these ladies of varing ages standing on the white plastic chairs looking over the Mechitza watching their boy of choice turn into a man as he reads from the Torah for the first time. When it is over the women start to do the "yalaya" sound and throw candy at the newest member of the tribe. Then they get down and the next family gets up they come equipt wi
th photographer and vidiographer... the boys are posed and then positioned so the shot will be best. It was fund to watch... but then we needed to get down to more serious stuff ... working our way to the wall on the women's side. Now you have to realize that the women's side is much smaller and there seem to be just as many women (including the ones on the chairs) but one third the space... so we wiggled our way up said a prayer or two that came to mind (did a little usy footwork) put our notes in and back
ed away from the wall. You don't turn your back to the wall (all while wearing long skirts). And if you thought there were issues walking forward... try a good 100 yards backwards.

But we did it and I can say that I felt a tug or two at my heart and a tear in my eye. Standing in front of this place that was filled with so much history and so much hope. The emotions are very strong.

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