Saturday, February 26, 2011

צְפַת‎‎ Tzfat part 2 The Religious side

As I said earlier Tzfat also called the mystical city is famous for many things military battles, candles, artists and Religion.

So as we were walking amongst all the different artist we found all these different religous sites The Sanz Congrgation which was founded in 1869.

But I think the most amazing site that we found was" The Yosef Car
o Synagogue" the synagogu that Rabbi Joseph Caro, scholar and Kabbalist, author of the "Shulchan Aruch" actually practiced and developed Kabbah Judaism.

one of the more amazing things that we saw but they wouldn't let me take a picture of was the
Genizah where they have books and other religious items dating back to the 14th century.

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