Sunday, November 30, 2008

My Kitchen Helpers

How many of my entries in the past year or so have lamented about my empty kitchen... and how lonely it is to cook by my self.

And some of the cooking was still done alone (waiting for the arrival of Samantha and Ashleigh on Wed night) So I made the pies alone....

Barry and Shomer offered to help

But on Thursday it was different actually it was back to good old days
and I am thankful for all my helpers

To all my kitchen helpers


The only thing that would have made the day better would have been if Celia, Morgan and Nathan were there with us

Friday, November 28, 2008

The Big Girls Table

I know most of us remember the little kids table

when we were little we were very content to be there

then somewhere around 13 years old we start to complain

we don't want to sit at the little kids table

Then we hit 17 or 18 (depending on how many little kids there are after us)

and we are allowed to sit at the big peoples table... Yeah!

But this year we had more big girls than little girls at our Thanksgiving table

so we did it a little different, we put Paige and Jello at our table (the big people) and gave Samantha (20), Calli (18) and Ashleigh (16) their own table and they were happy to be at what we will now call "The Big Girl Table" and it can be something that all the little girls aspire to.

I hope your tables were filled with big girls and little girls and lots and lots of love.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Sammie is home

And shomer couldn't be happier....

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The nest is empty ...again EN24


don't get me wrong I love my kids.... 
but it is so nice and quiet when no one is here
we (that would be Barry, me and the dog) can sit quietly 
yeah right...

I can knit (a new skill...and I can make a mean scarf) 
Barry can read 
and Shomer, well he can bring us balls and ropes and other items that he would like us to throw  so he can go chase them......

where is everyone you ask?? 
well as we go into this Thanksgiving week 

is in Portland 
she will be down for Hanukkah but we will miss her at our table
is in Florida 
he will be starting EMT school in January 
we will miss having him at our table
is still up in Davis 
waiting for Asheigh to arrive and  coming home on Wednesday...
is in Florida we will miss having her at our table
has just sacheted in from STS Family Camp (she was a counselor)
and is now off to Davis to spend some time with her sister
and keep her company on the drive home.

So until Wednesday... the nest will be empty 
Barry and I will just have to figure out what to do with the time
suggestions are not necessary.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

The first harvest

I was wondering if I would know when it was time to pick my veggies.... but I guess the plants and Mother Nature know best.... and they told me it was time to harvest ....
basically by dying....

The sad part for me is that my little pumpkin plant
the plant that started it all...

grew and grew and grew

it even flowered
but I never got a pumpkin
has also died....
but we had some tomatoes and the squash for dinner tonight with some wine and lamb chops and they were good....
so now I guess I need to start planing for next year.

Friday, November 07, 2008

my little terrace garden cont.

oh how my garden grows...
every morning you turn on the hose and you don't really pay attention
and then all of a sudden you look and wow! how it's grown

little sprigs of green popping through the ground

has now taken over the whole planter box...

and the little yellow flowers that I was so excited about

have bloomed into yellow squash....
almost as big as what we buy in the market.

and my tomatoes....
these two little plants that have been sitting there
and all of a sudden they started growing and then there were the little yellow blooms.....
and then little green teardrop tomatoes and finally
they are turning RED!!!!!!!!!!