Friday, November 28, 2008

The Big Girls Table

I know most of us remember the little kids table

when we were little we were very content to be there

then somewhere around 13 years old we start to complain

we don't want to sit at the little kids table

Then we hit 17 or 18 (depending on how many little kids there are after us)

and we are allowed to sit at the big peoples table... Yeah!

But this year we had more big girls than little girls at our Thanksgiving table

so we did it a little different, we put Paige and Jello at our table (the big people) and gave Samantha (20), Calli (18) and Ashleigh (16) their own table and they were happy to be at what we will now call "The Big Girl Table" and it can be something that all the little girls aspire to.

I hope your tables were filled with big girls and little girls and lots and lots of love.

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