Do you remember last year when we were busy getting Sam ready for school. We packed up the car and headed up to U.C. Davis. Celia flew down from Portland and we had one last time (o.k. so it didn't quite work out that way) with just the three girls before they really were all grown up and we thought gone from the house.
We were determined to make her dorm room as comfortable as possible.

what we didn't know is that these few items would procreate... and procreate they did...

This is the second trip of what we left up there (yes I said second)
we had a lot of stuff in the car coming up but we left just as much in storage up in Davis as we brought home. And where we went up with 4 people in the car there was barely room for the three of us.
this is what came home
So we took everthing not left at Sigma home and she is no longer a freshman
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