Friday, December 07, 2007

Welcome to our Shabbos Table

It has been a very strange Hanukkah this year.... First it came so early.... yes there could still be Thanksgiving leftovers in the fridge (not ours because we were in Vegas) as we are preparing Latkas (we haven't done that yet either).... and then the house is so empty. Not like years past when we were spilling over with kids and friends.... this year we didn't even decorate... not like in years past were every little space had something Hanukkah related... to this year where we have one jelly chanukiah up and that is it.

Tonight was even smaller than normal although, I don't know how much smaller we can get and still be a we... But Ash, Bear and I celebrated Hanukkah and Shabbat tonight....yes that is why she is with us tonight .... that is our present from her, time.....It is very strange to have an empty house...I am beginning to understand empty nest syndrome... it is good and it is not so good....

Ahhhh I digress again.... Happy Hanukkah and Good Shabbos

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