Wednesday, April 25, 2007

we've finally moved in

it's been a long time coming but we have finally moved in to our new offices at 20350 Ventura Blvd... Do you remember back on November 14 when I made a blog entry for Lloyd? Well the office has changed a little bit since then.

On February 19th the office looked like this. They had pulled some of the phone lines and put up an took down the walls. It still was a little difficult to see what was going to happen.
We picked out new work stations, carpeting and paint

By March 16th the walls were done the carpet was down the paint was dry... it was starting to look like an office...o.k. maybe not our office but it was a office.

And before we knew it it was moving day...

The Workstation arrived and was installed according to schedule.

The movers showed up and started moving things according to schedule. It is so nice when everything happens according to schedule. And before we knew what had happened we were all moved in.

And this is our new home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like your new office!