Friday, April 06, 2007

Matza Meat Cigars

This recipe came from a great book Matza 101

and I would recommend it for any Passover Chef

you can find this recipe on page 51.

However as with many family favorites you take it and make it your own. In our house we have more than a few members who have passed on beef but will do turkey. So we have swapped out the 2 pounds of lean beef for turkey and we lighten the red hot peppers. but other than that we pretty much follow the recipe.

Now Stacy is not one for sticking her hands in raw meat.... so she made some plastic bag gloves but she got into it however I would questions her ability to create 3 equally sized balls .....

This is one of the more complicated of our passover recipes but it is worth it because it is a nice item to have out on our table while the seder is going on.

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