This sukkot was quite a bit different this year.... as I said earlier we built a bigger sukkah this year 20x10 (Barry claims that it is bigger than his first bedroom)
we also moved our holiday party from the usual Hanukkah time to was a smaller group but we had a great time. A little Havdalah in the sukkah and then dessert.
Those of you who couldn't join us we missed you for those of you who made it thank you for making the eventing great.
This year we also had a little wind & fire issue but we fared better than many of our friends and we recovered and repaired the damage that was done.
In time to have a nice little shabbat in our sukkah.
We also had some very special first time visitors.
But as all good things do ... it was time to take our sukkah down... but before that happened Ashleigh took us on The Last Sukkah Tour for 5769 as only Ashleigh could. So until October 2, 2009 this will be the end of sukkot for me.