Wednesday, September 10, 2008

a year later

Last year at this time we (Barry, Ashleigh, Celia and I) helped Samantha move into her dorm room....but this year it was diffrent... The car was still packed full of stuff.... but as you can see it is a much smaller car than last year. But on Monday morning after a wonderful final weekend in Laguna Sam and I were off.... we made it to the Sigma house (yes she is living in the sorority house) in pretty good time.... we moved some furniture out and then put Sam's stuff in dusted a little and then called it a night because we were going to have a busy Tuesday....

We started with a smog test and then off to IKEA and oh the decisions...we needed a bed, a desk, plates, glasses, bedding and other miscellaneous items that you need when you are living on your own.... so she tested items out
and then as you know when you shop at IKEA we went and pulled our merchandise

and as you are looking at what is in our cart at this point I bet you are wondering how will we get it all (yes there was a lot more) in Sam's little Avalon? well we couldn't so we did the IKEA special and rented a panel van... and the best part was that the young man who came to bring us the van his name is Ashley... also knew Aaron Saltzman from the havurah they use to work together.
so we packed up the van drove to the house unpacked the van took it back and then had some lunch.

but my flight is boarding so more later

1 comment:

RAAADney said...

Haha, it looks like sam found a new favorite shirt.