Friday, September 08, 2006

She Made the Team!!!!

Yes I know you are asking who and what team...

Well the Who is Ashleigh
And the What Team is Comedy Sport.

Yes I know you were thinking football, volleyball, swimming But not our Ash... she went out for Comedy Sports (no I didn't know laughing was a sport but I guess it is). She made the Sof-Frosh team.

I know you are asking your self what exactly is Comedy Sport. Well have you ever seen the show "Who's Line Is It Anyways"... well think of a very intense version of it. There are timed parts and just slapstick parts... but no matter what you have to make the person laugh. Barry and I think Ash is going to be just fine.

1 comment:

Earl of Portland said...

YAY AshBash!
Let the laughs begin!