Saturday, January 03, 2009

going back to Davis

This is going to be one of those long all over the place type entries....(because I have been chastised for not keeping up with my blogging).

So remember back a year and a half ago when we took Sam up to Davis? well today Sam
went back to school with Rodney (I know your asking who is Rodney? well we will get to that later)... and this is what the car looked like before we even put Sam's stuff in.... yeah, getting a little full... But we did manage to get all of Rodney's stuff in and Sam's stuff... including her Hanukkah gifts from Celia....the car will be smelling good for the drive up...

But with the gifts finally... unwrapped and in the car it was time to say good by... Shomer needed to get one last kiss in before Sam left.

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