Monday, July 30, 2007

What did you do on Sunday?

It was a beautiful Sunday Morning ... not to hot and just what was necessary for a real Camp Mom Adventure.

We (Barry, Morgan and Me) went for a ride on the metro.....
we started on the Orange Line,

moved to the Red Line
and then exited at the Hollywood/Highland stop (3rd one on the line) and then we crossed the street twice and waited for our little group to get a little bigger when we were joined by Holly and Erica (who also rode the metro) and we went to a little known place called the Hollywood History Museum. It was fascinating, all the costumes and articles and other movie trivia.

The bummer for me was that they do not allow private photography in the museum so you will just have to trust me that it is worth going to. After the museum we went to Mels Dinner (conveniently located right next to the museum (on a rainy day you would not even have to go outside) where we had a little lunch and family discussion... Barry and Gary provide so many joyful opportunities. After lunch we went to the Hollywood Highland Center and a little place called D'Lush for a drink very good then we did a little walking around Morgan and Erica had the opportunity to compare dad's and after that it was time for us to move on....

So Morgan and Barry lead the way back home via the Hollywood/Highland station which I must admit is one of my favorite station where all the eyes are watching you.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

What Happens To You When I Say UCD Mens Crew?

What happenes when someone says UC Davis Crew Team to you?

Well this is what happens
when you say it to Morgan....

slowly you get this sly little smile

and then a little blush

and finally a full grin....

and if you ask her what her

favorite part of orientation was

she will have to tell you

it was running into

the guys on the crew team.

And Samantha will concur.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

she is an Aggie

what a busy day...we arrived on the campus at about 11:30 and had about an hour to kill. So we walked... not like we wouldn't be doing that all day but we walked. We had a chance to see some of the campus like the green creek ... it is part of the arboretum area that is being cleaned up.

We (Barry, Morgan and I ) didn't see much of Sam after we checked her into her dorm room. Now this wasn't her real dorm room but it was a nice room and she has two room mates for the next two days.

So what did we do for Orientation... Well at dinner Sam told us she filled out alot of papers... and learned how to schedule her classes and tonight she is learning how to recreate ... with Recreation 101.

Barry Morgan and I went for a walk around Davis... and listened to people talk to is a very sweet little town and we are looking forward to 4 years of wandering around here. Actually after listening to the presentation about where the school has been and where it is going I want to go to Davis... and Barry is looking for a third Career.... oh well more tomorrow after our full day at Davis.

But Tracy this picture is for you... Davis prides itself on being a very green school so look at what is in every dorm room.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

The Davis Adventure Begins

Well after a great morning in shule and the wonderful Torah study session we started our adventure... Morgan and Sam were glued to their new Harry Potter books (yes, they were in line last night). The only thing they stopped reading for was the Brush Fire on the side of the road just past Bakersfield.

Barry also had an interesting experience...Warheads and I only wish I had the camera on when he first got it into his mouth... the face was priceless.

We stopped for the night in Patterson where is Patterson you might ask? well we are 400 miles north of the house and 100 miles south of Davis.

again for what ever reason I can't load the pictures so you will have to watch flickr and photobucket.

Friday, July 20, 2007

I can't believe this is my last year

It's that time of year again.... we are off to camp
So for the last week we have been packing ... our last dinner (Pizza Cookery) and then that time finally came.

Minyon with Bubbie and when we came out of the synagogue there were the busses. So we got her luggage over to the bus and checked her in and then the reality hit ...."this is my last year" next year is pilgramage and then I come back as a counselor, "this is my last year".

So she is off to camp and witing for your letters...

Ashleigh Hayflich
Machon Tent 8
Camp Ramah - California
P.O. Box 158
Ojai, CA 93024
She will be home on Aug 15... untill them Morgan will get to be an only child.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

How do you measure a year?

It has been just a little over a year (12 days to be exact) since I first tried my hand at blogging and I must say it has been a busy busy year. I have learned much and enjoyed all the comments (o.k. not as many as Tracy gets but they are fun just the same) and I do feel as if this has provided me what I was looking for... the opportunity to share what is going on with all my friends and family even when the time differences between us make it a little difficult to actually talk with each other.

We has so many wonderful things happen this year that I guess it would have been wrong of me to think I could get away without any pain.... but with the good come the sad and I did have to say goodbye to some very dear people. At first I though I would only have to say goodbye to my dear friend Jane but I was not going to get off that easy July 2007 will go down as my month at Hillside Cemetery.

On July 2, 2007 we said good-bye to my cousin Mark
and at some time in the future I will give him a proper eulogy. But for the time being I will say that although we did not see Mark as much as I wish we would have I will always remember Mark as someone who was warm, caring and unbelievably talented. Mark was always wonderful with the girls and each has a special nick name that he gave them so there was always something special that only the two of them would have.

The next goodbye was to Norman Nusbaum, on Tuesday July 10th. Now many of you have not heard us speak about Norman however everyone has heard us speak fondly of Ashleigh's "Little Old Peoples Club" well Norman was one of it charter members. Norman became part of the family in December of 2004 and has been at many of our celebrations. Norman will definitely be missed.

The last Good Bye came today. My girlfriend Debbie called this morning to let me know that her dad had passed away last night and the funeral would be Friday at Hillside. Our families go back many years we had many many celebrations and vacations together. So Friday at 11 I will find myself once again Hillside Cemetery contemplating life as I say good bye to a friend.

I seem to be getting quite nostalgic right now remembering back over the past year and back to the 1970's when Debbie and I first met...but I can't look only at the good-byes of the past year I have to look at it all ... sending Sam to Israel and having her come home, Going to Portland to see Celia and Sean, Going to Israel to see Sam, pictures of Ashleigh and Morgan at their first dances, watching Bubbie get ready for her Bat Mitzvah and then the party afterwards. On the whole it has been a great year so many good things (I posted as many as possible) and those loved ones who are now committed to memory... will always be with us as I start my second year of the blog... hopefully improving with age.