Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Day two... it was a long day

we started the day with 8 hours of driving ahead of us.... but we had a good breakfast and we were on our way. The Pitt River Bridge which we

expected to be our first delay (the radio was saying to be prepared with a full tank of gas pleanty of water and snacks).

Not what you would call the most welcoming of thoughts. But we got there early enouh that it was not bad and a little slowing down and we were throught there in no time at all.

And before long we were on our way again 600 and some miles and 7 hours... now 7 hours when you are up and moving around is a lot diffrent than 7 hours behind the wheel of a car but we were coming up on the half way point and there was no turning back. We gassed up in Shasta (we will be staying there on the way back) changed drivers and we were on our way. NO Ashleigh did not drive she only learned how to pump gas

and before long we were in Oregon... and yes we had to stop

We thought the traffice issues were over ... we thought too soon.... o.k. it cought up with us around Albany and our 4:30 arrival time quickly turned into 5:30 and then finally 6:30 but we made it.

I said it was still going to be a long drive and Ashleigh needed something to do... so she got a hold of my camera and went to town

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